Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation
Enterprise Logistics : Design and Print Securities

Polymer Banknotes and Securities Certificates Technology

Design and printing materials, machinery, technology and infrastructure; Laminated polymer film and polymer matrix, resource acquisition, processing and production;
Production – specialized printing and processing;
Command and Control, multiple authentication; Production and Distribution; Recycling – transfer agent, certificate and note replacement; Infrastructure and logistics;
Intellectual Property Management;

Design Elements
Optically variable devices; an entity that changes its appearance because of external factors;
Holograms technology and Moire interference patterns; Photochromic compounds, iridescent inks, colour shifting, colour changing elements; See thru clear panes and opaque material and design elements;
Raised texture intaglio printing, micro printing, invisible ink printing, fluorescent ink printing;
Directional design elements and object effects; artistic features, special effects, numbering, limited and custom production series and more;
Jurisdiction, entity, capital structure and financial elements;
Dedicated entity, products, technology, series, collection and more;
Private and public enterprise securities;

More good can have the advantage...
Special entities and private enterprise high quality polymer notes and certificates;
Avoid electronic only securities certificates, greater accountability, trust and verify;
Reduce and eliminate fraud, counterfeit, un authorized production and other risks; Strategic risk, financial and economic, enterprise, entity and securities management;
Brilliant creative imagination for alternate reality creation;

Investment Opportunities...
Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation - ISMC Strategic Account
Common shares, Convertible Bonds, Serial Bonds, Convertible Revenue Bonds, Units;
Infrastructure, Machinery, Materials, Resources, Technology and creative art and science;
Investment and conversion to securities design and printing services and more; Securities: high yield compensation, conversion, rights, options, terms, conditions and more...
non-investment parallel capital structure accounts and

Capital Vault Incorporated MAX RSVP options, CVIx Advanced Projects;
Strategic Risk Management, Asset Protection;

Strategic Enterprise Development Inc. Advanced Projects;
Strategic Account, Tactical Account, Operational Account, Private Investment Account;
Zero tax, non reporting, hard currency enabled and registered/electronic transactions;
Worldwide, national, provincial, state, entity, corporate, public and private markets;

Awesome on an exponential scale...
Integrate your prospectus and business structure is everything... Integrate your investment and marketing plan...on an influential and inspiring dimension...
Integrate your future in economic, industrial, enterprise, entity and jurisdictional space...
Integrate your security, securities and management, transactions and official records.
Integrate entity and organization genius with capital structure optimization into the future.
Enable, augment and amplify every endeavour with dynamic agility, precision and confidence.
Optimize new national debt free and private currencies, mutual credit and trading systems.

Career Opportunities...
Artists, engravers, engineering, resource and technology management and more!

ISMC - Polymer Banknotes & Securities Certificates Technology.pdf