counter-measures for : more problems than we can shake a stick at:
✰ Domestic and Foreign problematic character and actions, rogue, narcissistic, vindictive, warmonger, neocons, treason and high treason, destructive, criminal, immoral, unethical, imbecile, un-civilized, non-diplomatic, insulting and disrespectful towards nations and nationals, anti nation state sovereignty, any form of terrorism, the use of force or the threat of the use of force, including currency, economic, industrial and trade war, tariff, threats, innuendo and implications of annexation, invasion, embargo, economic sanctions, freezing or expropriation of assets, information war and related propaganda, mass media that is owned, controlled, voted, edited, censored by enemies foreign and domestic, enemy combatants, General ZOG etc et al, the weaponization of anything, terrestial and space based weapon system deployment, including 5G, DEW, NEXRAD weather warfare, chem trail geo-engineering, food, water and air poison, any groups or factions, direct or indirect proxy arbitrary super imposed injustice, un-elected private corporations, entities or persons with supra national anti nation state agendas, influence or control, illegal wars, acts of aggression and wars of aggression, imperialistic, belligerent, insolent, genocidal and criminal actions, kinetic warfare, silent weapons for quiet wars, socialpathic, technocratic, transhumanism, anti christ, anti white, the war against family, faith, freedom and free enterprise, environmental warfare and destruction of life, civil unrest and civil war, North American Union PsyOp and related double agents/fifth column conspirators engaged in treason and high treason, fake public opinion polls for social engineering and influence, dollar exchange rate differential, petro dollars, foreign control of resources, assets, infrastructure, people, industry, enterprise, debt created fake money buying up real assets and real companies, public stock market scams acquiring control, government regulations concering foreign investment, or not real Canadians buying up real estate, natural resources or other general or specific rights, Federal Reserve fiat money to corporations to buy up or acquire control, assets, securities, corporations or rights, criticism towards foreign corporations as nation security threats designated as (illegal) hate speech, "redacted" intel concering criminal, conflicts of interest, breech of trust, treason, high treason, foreign influence, influence, control or otherwise by enemies foreign and domestic and enemy combatants. Additionally, the carbon tax war on Canada with 300 trillion trees, is the only country paying carbon tax, the second biggest country in the world, and where does that money go? wealth redistribution, proxy warfare, foreign genocide and war, bank rolling un-elected private corporations who super imposed rules and regulations on sovereign nation state by treasonous rogue agents in government or non government organizations…that never talk about Made in Canada…
Problems are temporary : yes we need a completely new nationalist or ultra-nartionalist political party that can acknowledge the problems and be pro-active and dedicated to rectify the destruction of nation state sovereignty and quality of life….if you are interested in the ultiimate Canadian endeavour, please contact us…
* * * * * * * * * *
Notes - Industry Economic
✰ Making the USMCA* Agreement Obsolete & Irrelevant;
Notes*: The USMCA - the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreeent replaced NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Agreement on July 1, 2020, some consider it the ultimate Canada Day treason, but is it only one of many actions based on crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality based on the globalism liberalism operating system. What about the anti-corruption measures? Dominion Day does not exist when there is no nation state sovereignty.
Oilpatch Notes:
I wish all these problems: were this simple…as proposed here with the ISMC Industry Development Account, you snooze, you lose.
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