Industry Continuum : [Trust & Accounts]
✰ Oil & Petro Chemicals Notes :
Why is this important and how does that contribute to the Sovereign Continuum?
We have the technological and industrial power to exports hundreds of billions in fuel systems, and oil…go figure, imagine, frustrating people like that.
©imbicilocracy - government by imbeciles, a new word, right here at Intergalactic Securities…we need to know how to do the math and complex securities and capital structure, but in government, knowing how to count and do the math, forget it…poor whitey…sorry, imbicilocracy, was not worried to hurt anyones feelings, sociopath Canada wreckers don't have feellings…
The new CF-105 Arrow, that takes fuel, mmmmm
Orenda Iroquois jet engines and the aerospike rocket engine, that all burns fuel…
the new aircraft under development from that takes fuel….
garbage trucks and road building and paving machinery, that takes fuel…
the Canadian navy and army that takes fuel…
Co-development & Technology Integration
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Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…