Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation

Pro-Active & Countermeasures to "Economic Force" war vector scenarios

Sovereign Telecom & Social Media :
Also, already existing is an open source social media system, deployable for every country, free from surveillance and censorship to enable news, text, video, audio and speech Sovereignty, no more anti nation state "news" propaganda, PsyOps, social engineering, mind control and cultural genocide, mass hypnosis…

Crypto-Magique Inc. Advanced Alternative Private Internet

en route for every country in the world, sovereign speech, with zero illegal hate speech laws terrorism and tyranny, does not require any existing communication system including satellite, cable, phone or digital lines…if you utilize the open and honest search engine there will be no interference and algorithms at war against you.

Sovereign Encrypted Communications, VPN & E-mail ;

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee….

Now if an ultranationalist private enterprise can do that, imagine if we had the right kind of government….hmmmm

Join Intergalactic Contact Intergalactic

Jurisdiction, Entities & Agreements : Prosperity, Power & Confidence;

for pro-active, visionary and ambitious people
local, regional and national projects
Integrating real global research awareness
Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…