Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation

January 1, 2025 Happy New Year Canada

National Security Threats Intel and Mission Tasking Provisions ;
by: Battlegroup 301 Incorporated - Peace & War Vector Scenarios ;
Concerning: Nationalist & Ultranationalist - Nation State Sovereignty ;
Versus: Globalist, Imperial & Supra-national & Enemies Foreign & Domestic ;
In consideration of : National Defence & Intel Community, Public & Private Investment
Awareness Summary for : National, Industrial, Enterprise & Civil Defence ;

Advanced Economic Systems Notes:
Monetary, Industrial & Geo-political challenges
central bank control by enemies foreign and domestic;
debt based money creation, corresponding debt, slavery and injustice;
currency, economic & industrial warfare;
trade war & tariff terrorism;
globalist plundering, wealth & resource extraction, imperialsm;
compromised government rogue agents, zog et al, treason, high trreason;;
mass media, social media, social engineering propaganda mind control;
violence, land theft, geo-engineering & weather warfare;
race & demographic genocide & warfare;
domestic & foreign union : industry & enterprise genocide & warfare;
super imposed or status quo foreign currency reserve in global commerce;
compromised monetary autonomy;
tax warfare, national & international super imposed regulations, binding/non-binding;
risk and disadvantage from global capital transactions, currency & monetary governance, bank and credit dominance, various institutions, portfolio, wealth and asset managers, economic and currency dependency, payment systems infrastructure and control, problematic social, political, environmental and resource risks and challenges,
debt based interest payments, national debt, corporate & race replacement welfare;

Political, government & geo-political challenges
corporatocracy, kleptocracy, crime, trade agreements aka vip managed trade;
economic & industrial genocide & war vector scenarios, de-industrialization;
super imposed supra national or foreign state/non-state entities;
private unelected entities, organizationsm corporations, unions and/or agents;
inter-related, corresponding and criminal collusion/collaborateurs;
double agents, fifth column, infiltrators, sabotage, allegiance to foreign criminal agencies, religions, governments, agendas, un-elected and supranational entities;
compromised political parties and government, by enemies foreign & domestic;
any national security threats and risks to nation state sovereignty;
systemic treachery, treason, high treason, enemy combatants;

counter-measures for : social engineering, technocracy, injustice & tyrrany
super imposed illegal hate speech laws;
anti hate speech definitions, deception, manipulation, collusion & treachery;
anti-white, Kalergi plan, invasion, migration, immigration, race replacement etc;
super imposed illegal emergencies act and related genocide war vector scenarios;
super imposed digital bio-metric id, social credit, mass surveillance, anti cash, anti freedom, anti sovereign individual;
the so called vaccination status aka bio-weapon genocide/bio-terrorism;
Post modernism, cultural, economic, industrial, enterprise genocide & warfare;
climate change genocide & war vector scenarios;
Foreign control of the Bar, Lawyer/legal system personnel with allegiance to foreign criminal agencies and supra-national entities, organization, agendas and persons;
Control, accreditation or otherwise for Medical, doctor, physician, teacher etc contrary to nation state and individual sovereignty;
Courts and legal system based on injustice, contract and Admiralty/Law of the Sea;
super imposed anything you didn't vote for;

counter-measures for : more problems than we can shake a stick at:

Notes: Moral Courage of a higher power is required:
National Defence & Intel Community : problematic challenges, opportunities, unified purpose, co-operation and Defence Mission, joint mission tasking, Comprehensive Awareness & Visionary Magnitude, Peace, Order and Good Government, challenges due from the anti Canadian anti-Rival Power of autonomous sovereign nation state versus super imposed status quo.

Challenges due to deficiencies in the government party, ideology, or deep state un-elected personnel, or those other influential or controlling elements, not real Canadians, foreign ethnic power base, non self governing, proxy government, foreign state super imposed dictatorship of colonial government

This includes the anti nation state sovereignty national security threats from political parties and character deficient perssonnel, entities, organizations, anti-white/anti-christian religions and/or governments, religions, agendas and organizations at war against us, (known and unknown declarations of war and related actions of enemy combatants) including any and all real national security threats and risks, including political government personnel that have allegiance to a foreign criminal agency or religion, state, government, entity, organization, agenda, protocol or otherwise

Problems are temporary : yes we need a completely new ultra-nartionalist pollitical party that can acknowledge the problems and be pro-active and dedicated to rectify the destruction of nation state sovereignty and quality of life….

More awareness, better perspective, more relevant options, pro-active strategy and mission success…

* * * * * * * * * *
Notes - Industry Economic

Making the USMCA* Agreement Obsolete & Irrelevant;

Notes*: The USMCA - the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreeent
replaced NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Agreement on July 1, 2020, some consider it the ultimate Canada Day treason, but is it only one of many actions based on crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality based on the globalism liberalism operating system. What about the anti-corruption measures? Dominion Day does not exist when there is no nation state sovereignty.

Oilpatch Notes:
I wish all these problems: were this simple…as proposed here with the ISMC Industry Development Account, you snooze, you lose.

Envision, plan, build and manage anything…

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