Industry Continuum : [Trust & Accounts]
✰ Big Oil & Petro Chemicals :
✰ Big Oil, Fuel, Energy Technology, Infrastructure & Logistics;
✰ Investment, Acquisitions, Enterprise, Lease;
✰ Whitey's Gas Station - Fuel Co-operative & Fuel Dividends;
✰ Refinery, rail cars, tar sands, oil & gas reserves;
✰ Polymer, synthetic rubber, petroleum based products;
✰ Zero tax, Zero reporting, hard currency and electronic commerce;
✰ Forward Looking Statements - pro-active & counter-measures;
✰ Fuel Systems, Free Energy & Advanced Technolgy;
✰ Pipelines & Steel Pipe Production;
✰ New Refineries, Heavy crude and bitumen processing to optimize new jobs, careers, enterprise and wealth creation;
✰ High energy flux density refinery processing;
✰ High speed molecular separation advanced technology for Tar Sands;
✰ Making the Paris Agreement Obsolete & Irrelevant or ….;
✰ Optimizing Intergalactic Genius at a multi-dimensional level;
✰ alignment of oil and gas development decisions;
✰ unified with climate action & pro-active infrastructure logistics;
✰ anti-corruption, pro-Canadian, anti-globallist;
✰ Strategic Risk Management and much more;
✰ Strategic, Operational, Tactical & Industry Enterprise Advantage;
✰ Elimination of globalist plundering, crime, corruption and other "Agreements"
✰ First Nations Trade & Development Agency;
✰ Fuel, Energy Technology, Infrastructure & Logistics
✰ Investment, Acquisitions, Enterprise
Sign up to the Industry Continuum with the Big Oil & Petro Chemicals Account
You can have an Ultra-nationalist integrated bonus….
National Turbo-machinery & Propulsion Incorporated
✰ Advanced Projects Portfolio - Fuel Systems
✰ High Performance & High Mileage Fuel Systems Research & Development
✰ National-Turbo Fuel Systems Continuum -
✰ Advanced Technology, Energy & Propulsion Systems
✰ Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing -
the Orenda Iroquois turbo jet & the Orenda Aerospike rocket engine…
Why is this important and how does that contribute to the Sovereign Continuum?
Oil & Petro Chemical Notes on counter measures :
Co-development & Technology Integration
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★ Order Intergalactic - Big_Oil-Petro-Chemicals_Account.pdf
O Canada we stand on guard for thee…with Big Oil & Petro Chemical Industry, high mileage fuel systems and advanced aerospace technology engines, buying group co-operatives and more exciting opportunties to redevelop and rebuild the national dream and Defend Canada…
for pro-active, visionary and ambitious people
local, regional and national projects
Integrating real global research awareness
Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…