Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation

Advanced Economic Systems Notes:
counter-measures for : Monetary, Industrial

Sovereign Payment System

Pro-Active & Countermeasures to "Economic Force" war vector scenarios

Sovereign Trade & Development Agency :
Notes: ethical & mutually beneficial, respect for sovereign nations, people, resources, environment, government (not all governments are truly sovereign and may be subjected to FOG…Foreign Occupied Government, of one type or another), can work to develop debt free Sovereign Treasury Reserves, local and alternative currencies & financial infrastructure ; Ah, the good old fashioned tradition of Canadian Peace & Prosperity…no threats, no bombs, no tariffs, no embargoes, no sanctions, no genocidal money lending practice, no imperialistic hostility, no illegal war or asymmetrical war, or currency war, or industrial war, depopulations and de-indistrialization agendas, social engineering, or geo-engineering weather warfare…

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee….

Now if an ultranationalist private enterprise can do that, imagine if we had the right kind of government….hmmmm

Join Intergalactic Contact Intergalactic

Jurisdiction, Entities & Agreements : Prosperity, Power & Confidence;

for pro-active, visionary and ambitious people
local, regional and national projects
Integrating real global research awareness
Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…