Intergalactic Securities & Management Corporation

Pro-Active & Countermeasures to "Economic Force" war vector scenarios

Sovereign Communications :

Sovereign Communications : Encrypted Communications, VPN & E-mail ;

Ethnocentric - nation state sovereignty - revitalized culture
newspapers, magazines, journals; investigative journalism, intel, educational, trade, technology, college, university, institutes, textbook, real history and true news, augment home schooling curriculum, book publishing, movie & entertainment,

National, Industrial, Enterprise & Civil Defence
border and territorial integrity, civil defence network;

counter-measures to super imposed anti nation state sovereignty, including any and all national security threats, anti-family, anti true values globalism, technocracy, depopulation agenda, white replacment, immigration, invasion, mass migration, mass media mind control, propaganda, cultural and sexual genocide, industry and enterprise genocide, self government genocide, FOG - foreign occupied governement, treason, high treason, terrorism, bio-terrorism, genocide, immorality, crime, disease, war, death

Integrated with the Sovereign Telecom & Social Media;
mass media, mutimedia, the MARS M1 antennae, radio, sovereign phone system;
custom made and retrofit computers and phone systems, open source everything,

Sovereign Freedom of Speech : illegal hate speech laws by enemy combatants super imposed by enemies foreign and domestic, along with illegal supranational anti nation state sovereignty agreements, private corporations such as WEF, WHO, UN etc et al that represent terrorist organizations, engaged in bio-terrorism, depopulation, de-industrialization, climate change warfare, geo-engineering and weather warfare, fake pandemics, super imposed bio-weapon bio-terrorism
(vaccines) arbitrary declarations of emergencies, the anti-truth criminal terrorists who label truth as misinformation, disinformation, or otherwise the war on truth etc et al. are neutralized, world wide, have a nice day!

Sovereign Health : does not include super imposed bio-weapons by bio-terrorism also know as mRNA vaccines etc or economic force or anything else for that matter, including poisoned air, food, water, ground or any operating and living environment;

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee….

Now if an ultranationalist private enterprise can do that, imagine if we had the right kind of government….hmmmm

Join Intergalactic Contact Intergalactic

Jurisdiction, Entities & Agreements : Prosperity, Power & Confidence;

for pro-active, visionary and ambitious people
local, regional and national projects
Integrating real global research awareness
Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…